SR. NO. Name of Expert Desifnation Institute Topic Date
1 Prof Priyankaorude Training And Placement Coordinator Shankarrao Ursal College Of Pharmacy, Kharadi, Pune Personality Development Seminar 14 February 2022
2 Mr. Shyam Koli Director Quality Solutions Lab., Mumbai Entrepreneurship, Career Development And Startup Challenges” 22 February 2022
3 Mr. Sachin Zaware Asst. Manager STADA Pharma Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai new opportunities in the field of material procurement and supply chain management. 09 Apr.2022
4 Mr. Manoj G. Somkuwar Assistant Controller of Patents & Designs, Patent Office, Mumbai, Intellectual Property Rights 10 May.2022
5 Mr. V.V. Kulkarni Civil Judge Civil Court Law Awarness 09 Nov.2022
6 Mr. Sachin Bhalekar Director Cyclone Pharma Pvt.Ltd. Entrepreneurship Development 14 Nov.2022
7 Mr. Anand Munot Proprietor Anand Distributors E Entrepreneurship Development 17 Nov.2022
8 Mr. Sureshkumar Raut & Mr. Abhijit Pawar Inspector & Sub inspector Shirur Police Station Psychological Stress Management and Student Suicide Counseling Program 23 Nov.2022
9 Dr. Rahul Bagle Psychiatric Matoshri Madanbai Dhariwal Hospital Shirur Mental Health Sensitization 28 Nov.2022


SR. NO. Name of Expert Desifnation Institute Topic Date
1 Mr. Vipul Shah CEO EPIONE Pharmaceutical Pvt.Ltd. Entrepreneurship Development 31 Jan.23
2 Mr. V.N. Raje Principal Gaurishankar College of Pharmacy, Satara Personality Development 06 Mar.23
3 Ms. Poonam Kokate Student(GPAT,NIPER Qualified) National Institute ofPharmaceuticalEducation andResearch, Mohali. Career Guidance& Guidance forCompetitive Exam 04 Oct.23